Hi, Today the payments are said to be completed. I have not been paid for the ads I have seen for 1 month, and BAT in my account has not been transferred to my uphold account again this month. I don’t understand please help me. My account is approved. I got paid in February (it was my first payment) but my bat award was unchanged in March. I have opened a topic many times. Be patient, you said we are investigating your problems. Your excuse for this week is that the payments are being completed, please be patient. Payments are completed still nothing has changed. How can I not pay me even though my Uphold account is approved? If I can’t get paid, how are the payments completed? Tell us the truth. We will not pay you, you can you use it or not. This approach is more correct than saying please be patient and solve your problems and keep it busy.
Hi @hhuseyin, I’m sorry to hear you have some issues still. Haven’t you followed the directions in Support’s post to start getting them resolved?
Hi saereV, of course I followed the instructions. If I had the problem, I shouldn’t have received any payment. I got paid in February. Brave updates have done more harm than good to me. I am writing dm to Steeven now and will send it when finished.
I hope you hear some good news soon; good luck, @hhuseyin,
I hope Brave Browser releases updates that will fix user problems. I received my last payment 2 months ago. Brave system has not been working for 2 months. I know there are many people who experience this situation. Startup ideas that cannot solve the problems cannot rival the giants in the industry. Thank you for your comment @saereV .
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