ALL Tabs deleted after recent update

Description of the issue:
I just updated the Brave Browser Version 1.70.126 in play store on my Android Google Pixel 6a and all of my 1,000+ tabs just vanished! Please help!
How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. N/A

Expected result:
Bring all of my Tabs back
Brave Version( check About Brave):
Mobile Device details
Android Google Pixel 6a
Additional Information:

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Unfortunately I am not entirely sure what caused your tabs to vanish. My inclination is to say that given the extremely high amount of tabs you had open, the browser may have crashed on relaunch and was unable to retrieve your tabs.

It does not appear to be a widespread issue with the v1.70.126 update as I am not seeing an uptick in reports of this. Additionally, I was able to update my Android device to the latest build and retain my tabs. I have asked some members of the Android team to check to see if they can reproduce the issue.

Lastly (and again, unfortunately), if you’ve relaunched your browser and still do not see them, there is likely no way to retrieve your lost tabs at this point.

Thank you for responding.
I have over 1,000 tabs on my old phone and have never had any problems…
I had Brave open and was listening to News through one of my tabs and then it was updating and closed obviously. When I reopened Brave, all of the tabs were just gone.

Same issue for me, but on Mac OS. Updated to v15.0.1 (Sequoia) today, and on restart all my tabs & browser history have been wiped.

I’m really sorry to hear that.
After this happened to me, I still had my browser history but the tabs were gone. I’m not sure that this would apply to you because it sounds like your device already was restarted. When this happened 5 days ago to me, about 8 hours later, I turned my phone off and back on and all of the tabs reappeared, praise God!!! That would be great if yours come back!

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