After updating my mac to “macOS Big Sur”, all my rewards seem to have disappeared. When looking at my reward setting it says that I have “6 Ads received this month”, when I had well over a couple hundred if I remember correctly…
Is there anything I can do to fix it? I’ve tried to find the answer online without any luck, but I’m sorry if I missed a past thread.
Hi @Barathon, there are quite a few similar posts to yours right now, unfortunately. I think there must be some technical issue being worked on - and it probably doesn’t help that payout is here now. I imagine there will be some official post forthcoming, regarding this issue.
I know it’s frustrating, but if you don’t see some change or hear from Support by the end of the week, I suggest you open a new topic under the appropriate category to be seen better (and with more details of your situation).
If you’re a Creator, you should post under Publishers:
…if you’re not a Creator, pick whichever category best applies to you, and for ‘tags’ you can choose your OS. In the text box that appears there is either some pre-filled instructions on what information to include, or links to check out first to see if you can troubleshoot anything yourself.
Hi @saereV! I appreciate you taking the time to reply and helping me out! Next time I’ll post it in the right category, but let’s just hope it’s solved before that!
I thought so as well, but my wallet is empty and under “pending rewards” I can only see 29 adds or something, i.e., a lot are missing. The pay-out date is the 5th every month, right? Is it an automatic process or do I need to claim them by doing something?