Ads in brave across every website

i am seeing ads on any and every website. it can be reproduced by going to any website with ads, google, facebook, youtube, movie sites etc.

sorry i dont quite understand this template im sure im doing it wrong very sorry
Expected result:

Brave Version( Version: 1.0.979`):

Additional Information:
i added a custom component from fanz and it didnt fix it and i tried clearing cache and cookies for all time and it didnt fix it and when i go to brave://components half of the components have an update error that im not sure how to fix and couldnt find any way of fixing them

If your components are not updating then this is likely the reason ads are slipping through. Are you currently connected to a VPN or any other type of altered connection at this time? Additionally, did this issue just start happening after a recent update?

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i am connected to a vpn quite often but when i tried to update them i was not. and yes this started happening maybe 3 or 4 days ago

so i tried running brave as administrator and no websites seem to load at all when im administrator but when i go to brave://components everything starts saying new and up to date but when i close and re open it its like nothing changed and half of them say error

yeah ive done all of these i think i will have to delete and reinstall the browser and hope that fixes it! ill do that tonight and be back to let you know if that works!

sorry its been a few days i did end up uninstalling and removing browsing data and all my components have updated once reinstalling. i hope this doesnt happen again i save lots of websites and emails etc :confused:

You make the choice of which sites are shielded

@VII7 please let us know if this issue occurs again so we can take a closer look at what’s causing it.

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