When using Google search as the default with Brave and entering a search, a banner advertisement will display every time. The banner is advertising the google browser widget.
Hello @Agatt
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with blocking ads. Our best recommendation is to use this link can block ads using aggressive mode.
Let us know if that works!
I found the Aggressive description regarding the level of Ads/cookies blocked. I am using a iPhone XR. There does not seem to be an option for me to enable Aggressive mode. I can only toggle the default Ad block setting. I do not think I have the ability to customize my Shields per webpage.
I can confirm that blocking scripts will block this type of ad. However blocking scripts creates more problems than solutions.
(((SCRIPTS WERE ALLOWED/ Image bellow)))
No I don’t believe this will work. I don’t see the option on my mobile IOS.
Hello @Agatt
I’ll share this information with my support team, so they can be aware about this! I’m waiting for further information on the matter. Once our team has answers, I will get back to you as soon as possible.
We’ve submitted a fix that may resolve this issue — allow for ~24 hours for this to go through then check and see if the banner still appears.
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