About the Desktop Requests category

Request features you would like to see implemented in the Desktop browser.

Feature Requests Posting Guidelines

Topics that belong in this section:
Post in this category should be specific to implementing desired features that would improve Brave Browser as a product. If you have an opinion on the browser, please post it in the Feedback category.

I’d also like to remind everyone that these are requested features. Please do not make demands - they sound childish and will not be responded to. Additionally, just because a feature is highly requested does not mean that it will be implemented.

Please remember to be respectful.

Search for Duplicates
Given the amount of reports/request we get each day, there’s a good chance that someone else may have raised the issue with us already or may have been resolved. Before posting, use the search bar on the top-right corner of the website to see if other users have raised the same concern.
Note: The search is pretty good - good use of keywords (pertaining to your issue) and sorting the results by “latest” is generally a good way to start your search.


para cuando una versión en Español-Castellano???


My youtube Channel still not Verified Until now , Over 6 month i waiting

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How do i post a new issue??
I have a suggestion. when i donwload anything, in the bottom appears a new “downloads status bar” how can i disable or hide automatically??


is there someone who is managing this list? I ask because there plenty of duplicate requests that could be merged and votes combined . is that a feature of this tool?

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Years have passed, if we don’t have free internet is this really bravery

If we don’t have good translations

Is this really bravery?

Om Namah Shivaya

Give some thanks to our creator before trying to draw an invisible line in the
Seamingly infinite possibilities that define love and reality

Hen do as she pleasith as every woman is entitled to her own freedoms, hoping chivalry is not in fact dead after all.

Live on children of this world!! Be brave to fight another day in the name of peace

Not more fighting but true peace

Peaceful warriors rest your weary heads for our life

Our soul

It is far more important than any game for our hungry mouths stewpid ain’t allowed. Well in my culture every word is allowed.
Thou who shalt not be named
Don’t give the dark anymore power than it deserves, stoopid isn’t allowed my ass.

Ass is a useful good

Stoopid probably means nicer than you.

I don’t see a button or link to click if I want to suggest a new feature so I will do it here. Can you kindly add a widget for the password vault named 1Password? It is available in safari and Firefox. Thank you!

My suggestions that would help improve ease of use are as follows:

  1. Make it so you can drag a tab into the “bookmarks” bar below it, such as many browsers have already done
  2. Make the toolbar/extensions/interface more customizable. We would like to put things where we want them and add spacers, as well as a separate bookmark shortcut button that is draggable to where we want it on a toolbar. This would make it slightly different than other browsers.
  3. More customizations to home screen would be a nice idea
  4. For extensions make it an easy check mark for adding it to different profiles as well as incognito mode if possible, so we dont have to install them on other profiles as well.
  5. Make it possible to change colors of folders for bookmarks.

~Thank you & Good luck!~

Also, please for the love of God, make it easier to delete history items by month/week. It shouldn’t be under all just one category with no way of organizing it. Every other browser has ways of doing this in that way. It needs organization across the board for history and bookmarks, including a way to put dividers in place of bookmarks and moving addons around.

Bonus points if you can change the colors of folders to one’s liking.

Would you guys be so kind and make it so that i can change the color of the toolbar? The only reason I made an account here was this reason.

IT HURTS MY EYES, and not little bit but a LOT.