Description of the issue: Though, I have the “continue where you left off” setting enabled, every time I shut down my computer for the night, and start it back up when I decide to get back on the next day, All my tabs are closed, and I am forced to just forget about them, or the notion that the next tabs I open will be there the next day. This doesn’t happen when I restart, and my buddy, who has frequently, and for months had the same tabs open, and does not have this issue whatsoever, with probably twice the amount of tabs I do, just wondering how I can fix this or what the deal is.
How can this issue be reproduced?
- I have no Idea
Expected result:
I just want my tabs to stay up, I’m trying to learn guitar, but this bug makes it extremely difficult to do so when all my tabs are closed by the end of the day.
Brave Version( check About Brave
Latest version, all applications are up to date
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