A Brave Forum Page blocked by malwarebytes browser guard but why?

Hi, I have joined the forum to find answers regarding a Malwarebytes popup that appears when I try to read a result from Google that points to the page at Malwarebytes Browser Guard

A few seconds after the page loads I get a popup from Malwarebytes

The popup is as follows:

Can anyone provide information why this happens? Is it a false positive?

More out of curiosity than anything to be honest but it’s always a concern to get a warning like this.


To be clear, the link that you provided:


The latter part of a sentence in your Original Post (“OP”), above, would be more accurate, as:

" . . . a result from Google that points to a Brave Community webpage about the Malwarebytes Browser Guard (add-on, aka:) extension.

My guess is, that you have a, or the particular, Malwarebytes extension installed, and you encountered a false positive.

Many thanks for your reply. I did indeed have the Malwarebytes Browser Guard installed. I have removed it as it kept giving what I consider to be false positives as you suggest.

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