Youtube showing ads yet again

Description of the issue:
Pre-video ads on youtube are appearing again as of approx Feb 21 2024. A few times I could go to a different tab and return to find the ad gone, but that stopped working after about a day. Clearing the cache did nothing.

Exact URL of the website in question:

Screenshot of the ad as it appears in Brave:

Did the issue present with default Shields settings? (yes/no) Presents with Aggressive Shields.

Does the site function as expected when Shields are turned off? Yes.

Does the ad appear when using a Private window as well? (yes/no) Yes.

What OS are you using when you see the ad? iOS (iPad)

Brave version (check About Brave): 1.62 (

I notice that you are signed into your google account (noted by the J in the upper left hand corner of your screen shot right next to the alarm bell) while you are using youtube. Try signing out of your google account and try watching the video again.

You could also try clearing all history and cookies as well.
Let me know if the ad shows up again.

I also cleared cookies when I cleared the cache, which signed me out automatically. The ads remained, and continued when I signed back in. The screenshot is one instance with the video I checked repeatedly while troubleshooting, but it’s happening on all the videos I watch (with the exception of those by a friend who I know does not enable ads on their videos at all).

Do you mean that the ads remained even when you are signed out of your google account and view the video on youtube signed out?

When you clear cookies and cache make sure you are also clearing your history as well.

Doing the following This will delete all brave news, downloaded files, Browsing History and Saved Logins. You could also try toggling only specific settings to clear but at least clear the Browsing History, Cache and Cookies and Site Data

On your iPad go to The upper right hand corner with the three dots icon → Settings → Brave Shields & Privacy:
In the Clear Private Data menu: toggle everything on and then hit the Clear Data Now Button.
Then also scroll down to the Other Privacy Settings menu:
Toggle on Private Browsing only.

Let me know if that works.

See YouTube ads being displayed while logged into main account - #5 by Yuki2718

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