YouTube Mobile Version not working

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Description of the issue:
I have a Samsung Galaxy a35 and the mobile version of YouTube website isn’t working on my phone.

I’ve checked the site settings to make sure desktop is off. I’ve changed the URL to include mobile instead of desktop.

I’ve searched here for ways people have suggested to fix it.

I’ve cleared cache and yet none of that work.

Please help.

How can this issue be reproduced?

I don’t understand this question (I’m Autistic)

Expected result:
To have Brave Brower allow the mobile version.

Mobile Device details
Samsung Galaxy a35 5G

IF, by

“the mobile version of YouTube website”

you mean a YouTube app, that sounds like, an older (2023) somewhat related issue:

“It would be great if you had a Brave YouTube App that skips ads just the same as it does on my PC.” (source:)

No I’m meaning when I open YouTube (website version not the YouTube app) in Brave, it only shows the desktop version not the mobile version.

I’ve tried everything I can think of and spent hours looking for answers, but can’t figure it out.

In the Brave Browser mobile menu, there should be:

  • Request Desktop Site (when using Mobile Site)
  • Request Mobile Site (when using Desktop Site)

Also, you should be able to enter:

instead of:

Hi, yes I had already tried that. Brave just automatically changes it instantly to desktop.
I never get the ‘request mobile site’ option.

You might

  • free your Android device from any backup/sync chain, while:
  • be sure that you actually exit / quit BB (instead of only, merely closing tabs/windows)
  • clear cache etc. (everything that you can)
  • do 2 complete shutdowns of the device

In other words, try to shake off any setting, site specific setting, etc. that is sticking and effectively causing something like “continuing where you left off.”

May interest:

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Thank you for those suggestions. I tried all of them and it’s still not worked :face_exhaling:

Edit: just tried them all once more (so for a 3rd time) and it worked!!! I think it was clearing the data part fully again that did it.

Fingers crossed it stays this way or I’ll be back.

Thank you so so much for your help. I deeply appreciate it :blush:


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