Youtube Channel Not Verified!

Hello guys! i just want to bring it to your notice that it’s like more than 20 days now and my youtube channel is not still verified!

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Same. My youtube channel is not verified although I use brave for 90days. 🤦

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@deepesh098 @iamjherz did you both see your channel listed here ?

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Yes sir I see my youtube channel on the list, same as twitter, it means that my channel is verified ? But when I tried to visit my channel , it says Not verified Publisher?

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Yes. It’s verified, @iamjherz.

Did you check from desktop or mobile? Did you have a verified wallet connected to your Creator account? It may take up to 7x24 hours foe your Brave to get the latest list.

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I tried in another mobile. Its shows Not verified publisher also. I’m using brave almost 90days. So , it means the duration time was done. Why its showing not verified?

Did you have the latest version of Brave? Which one that not showing a verified status? Youtube or Twitter?

For Twitter, I believe that’s expected if you check it from mobile.


It’s okay now. Youtube shows verified but Twitter is still not verified . Yes I have latest version.

Thanks for the update.

Then this one @iamjherz :point_up::wink:


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