Which Shields to disable to test performance issues?

There is a lot of information here about Brave’s Shields, but I haven’t found any that suggests which Shields to modify to troubleshoot Internet performance problems.

Though the issues I’ve been experiencing do at times also occur in Chrome, they are significantly worse in Brave than in Chrome. I’m therefore wondering whether the actions of certain Shields may be involved in the slowdowns, delayed responses to keystrokes and mouse clicks, frequent appearance of spinning beach balls, and other abnormal behavior.

Are there any articles here with relevant information? If not, can any team member(s) recommend which, if any, Shields are likely to aggravate, if not actually cause, problems of this kind?


– Brave v.1.69.168 Chromium: 128.0.6613.138 (Official Build) (x86_64)
– Can’t upgrade this Brave version or my Mac OS. Both are the last ones that can be used on my old MacBook Pro.
– MacBook Pro has been checked numerous times at Apple Store. No hardware or software issues found.
– ISP-related hardware has been checked by the ISP. No issues found.