When will see Brave support other wallets than Uphold and Gemini?

Hello everyone, I wish you have a good day.
Please I want Brave to support new wallets other than Uphold and Gemini for 2 reasons:

  • Uphold blocked me after a second form creating my account and verified it with my ID card.
  • Gemini does not support my country.

Brave should support wallets like coinbase, binance, metamask, and any other wallets.
It is very annoying to claim that you can earn free crypto without giving the users the ability to withdraw their balance.
I hope brave add a new wallet soon.

They will eventually , a mod has mentioned it in somewhere else but it probably will not be for some time. Gemini just recently came about in August-September of last year

mmm that’s unfortunate
but better that nothing

Yeah it too bad it will take some time, however, at least there is hope it will happen. Better than not.

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