Unable to withdraw BAT

I have 16BAT in my desktop browser and when i click on rewards symbol i dont see claim also i have not received any ads in past week there seems to be some data error fix it and add BAT to my wallet


Hi @Karthik1905 - thanks for posting. Payments are still processing - MEGATHREAD: August 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support.

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I have 11BAT in my windows desktop browser,it’s my first time to receive payout. Also i verified my uphold account. Still my BAT are not added in my wallet.! Fix the issue soon…

Screenshot (22)|690x387

follow the thread given by steeven and wait patiently

Assure me, that i will get my funds back within next payment date

Hi @balajisatz - payments are still processing - MEGATHREAD: August 5th, 2020 Brave Ads Payout Support. They will be processing through tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.

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HI @steeven can you give any update about BAT payment processing?
My BAT payment still not updated

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