Unable to send my Tip

I am unable to send my Tip to my favourite publisher. The publisher is Verified as well. I have tried over and over gain and yet I still keep getting the attached message “Unable to send your tip. Please try again later”. As soon as I hit send my Tip the little red box appears with a number of attempts in it.

Even if I shut down and reboot browser same issue. The Brave browser is also the latest version apparently.

So this happens every time.

I am using Windows 8.1 and Brave Version 0.61.52 Chromium 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64bit)

Please see images below to assist. Any help greatly received as I don’t want to lose my BAT.

Capture1 Capture2

Hi @davidwi17iams,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and for your patience! Would you mind PM’ing me the publisher that you’re trying to tip? I’d like to try and reproduce the problem.


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