I have been unable to link my Brave browser wallet to my Gemini account for a while now. Whenever I try, the following error message is displayed:
Your request is still being processed, please wait.
Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.
This problem has persisted for a long time.
The Wallet has not been created yet so no ID
Brave 1.29.81 Chromium: 93.0.4577.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)
If you go to brave://rewards-internals, you should see your wallet payment ID – can you please send me this ID in a DM so I can take a closer look at what might be going on?
I got a same problem. I had linked my gemini account but after two days again it was asking to verify the wallet, I tried to verify again but getting this message
Your request is still being processed, please wait.
Sorry there was a problem processing your request, please try again.
I am not getting what’s going on here, please help me!
There has been no reply to the private message. I am still having an issue. The brave://rewards-internals/ is pretty much blank and the wallet info says “Wallet was not yet created”
This is the same problem I’m having as well. Only one of my devices that I just added Brave browser to is having this problem. The other 2 devices I run this browser on has no issues with rewards. I was able to link Gemini on one and Uphold on the other just fine. Please HAAAALP! lol