Alt+tabbing on youtube creates a fake duplicate tab

Whenever I alt+tab while in watching youtube in fullscreen brave creates a duplicate of the same video , it can’t be deleted nor seen on task manager . Only way to remove it is to restart explorer.exe on task manager

Here is an example of what is happening

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

1.watching a youtub video in fullscreen
2.alt+tab while in fullscreen

Expected result:
No duplicated tabs

Brave Version( check About Brave):


Additional Information:
windows 11

@pen-292, I’m not experiencing this issue on my Windows 11 setup. One thing I noticed in your video is that you have extensions installed, and sometimes compatibility issues with certain extensions can cause unexpected behavior.

It would be helpful if you could create a second browser profile and test it without adding any extensions. This can help determine if an extension in your original profile might be causing the issue.

If the issue still occurs in the new profile, it would be worth testing on Chrome and/or Brave Beta to see if it’s specific to Brave or Chromium in general. This can help us narrow down the source of the problem.

This really needs to be fixed… This problem happened a while ago (I remember it was around a year ago) but it fixed itself after a few weeks to months of it happening. Now it’s happening again and I’m seeing it scattered throughout the Brave community forum. It’s so annoying and no other Chrome based browser does this. My edge doesn’t do it, my Google Chrome install (which has all the same extensions as my Brave install) doesn’t do this, yet Brave does it all the time now.
My Brave version is 1.73.89 and on Chromium 131.0.6778.69.
The Google Chrome version I tried the Google Chrome test on was 131.0.6778.86. I did make sure to update my Google Chrome and stuff. I really think this is a Brave issue and I wish it got more recognition.