I think there used to be a flag just for hover cards and a flag for hover card images… The regular hover cards just shows some text and became standard and flag removed. The hover card image flag is still a flag but that just determines if you see like an image preview of that tab. I think hover cards is standard now and you can’t shut off.
OH, Ok …Thanks! Hate to hear that … I do “not” like that feature, but apparently some did for it to be permanent. In my opinion, “all” features should have the ability to be disabled.
Well I don’t know what the numbers are for those that just don’t close tabs, but I can see a use case for them… Imagine you have all these tabs open that all you see are the close buttons… lol
Well this feature and the hover tab image flag helps those guys out…
Second that this feature should be possible to disable. It came not long ago, I disabled it immediately as I don’t want garbage to display as I’m hovering over tabs. Now it’s back, and it can’t be turned off, is that the conclusion here?