Toolbar space management

Brave Version: 1.46.144

Is there a way to make the toolbars more compact? A way to eliminate the wasted, empty spaces?

I chose to hide the rewards button, with this result; a big gap to the right of the Brave Shields button. Not related to the rewards button, but the huge empty spot the left of the address field.

spaces 1

The tab bar space gaps on the right as well

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Hello there @noelen please go to brave://settings/appearance > Use wide address bar > toggle it on.

Let me know if that makes any difference.

That made all the difference. I didn’t think the space would be flexible.

Is there anything that can be done for the tab bar?

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Hi again @noelen let me inform you that at this time the Tab bar size cannot be changed. If you’d like you can open a feature request topic here

[brave://settings/appearance > Use wide address bar > toggle it on. [/quote]](brave://settings/appearance > Use wide address bar > toggle it on. [/quote])

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