Tab Folders for Brave Browser

Brave has been very useful tool for me, however I have noticed my browsing becoming more clutter than browsing. I’ve noticed that too many tabs will open at once and easily become overcrowded and disorganized very fast, making it difficult to distinguish what’s priority and what isn’t at a given time. Now one could say “just close your tabs” however different people may need to have many open for different necessities such as for work, their savings, or even for personal enjoyments like watching shows and movies. I believe a feature that can allow users to organize tabs into folders or sections similar to how bookmarks work. This can be used to help make everything uncrowded and much easier to organize what needs to take priority.

  1. I already posted for workspace, so maybe go and vote for it :blush:
    Workspaces in Brave
  2. Brave already has tab groups, right click on a specific tab, select Add tab to new group and that’s it - here are your groups :smiley:

Well then, thank you for that. But would you also know if there’s a like a full guide to Brave features, like where should I look so I don’t accidentally do that again.

well… I believe here:

But not everything is described here, another way is to simply search the forum if such a question has been asked :smiley:

Alternatively, try searching in the browser yourself - if you have a problem with tabs - right click on tabs and check if there’s anything there, search in settings by keywords etc.