This is a possible scenario I am referring to. Anyone can repeat these steps as a demonstration of my point…
I am reading a web page. I find a search term or a URL that I want to dig deeper into. I highlight the word(s) and copy the terms to clipboard either by right-clicking or with Control C (or Command C on Macs). I then open either a new window or tab (maybe in a set of tabs with the research already opened).
With the cursor in Brave’s new tab or window’s blank search bar, I hit Control V for paste (or Command V on Macs). I don’t want to use the mouse to right-click, “paste and search” because maybe I’m putting search terms together with cut/paste.
My search terms or URL appear in Brave’s search bar. So far, I haven’t had to take my hand off the mouse. Everything I’ve done so far has my right hand on the mouse and my left hand hitting Control C and Control V.
Now here is the part that is wrong with Brave…
Why can’t I CLICK on something (like a magnify glass or arrow) IN THE SEARCH BAR to launch what I just pasted? WHY do I have to take my hand off the mouse to hit return? Because there is no button icon to click on in the search bar.