I have just discovered your Brave browser. Previously, I had been using the Opera browser since 2001 (to the best of my memory). Brave is remarkable and seems to outperform all other browsers, including Opera. However, would it be possible to integrate the “Speed Dial” feature like in Opera into your browser? I have tested several extensions for Brave, but none rival Opera’s. I’m not sure if this is the right place to submit such a suggestion, and if it isn’t, I apologize in advance.
Best regards.**
**Expected result : Speed Dial" feature like in Opera
Brave Version( check About Brave) : Version : 1.70.126 Chromium : 129.0.668.100 (Build official) (64 bits)
I have already done what you advised me to do but it is not possible to create folders like in the Speed dial of the Opera browser. Folders that can be renamed and in which it is possible to put several icons corresponding to various websites.
In the Bravre browser, all the icons of the websites that I have selected are present but unfortunately I do not see how to group them in folders that I could create and rename by theme.