Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region. Argentina message

Can´t see ads, and in my brave rewards screen the “Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region” message displays even that I am on a supported region.

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Hi, @Rickac88, I see there are currently 10 ad campaigns for Argentina. What does this show you?
It should show you 10 specific ads currently targeting your region.


Yes, it showed me the 10 ad campaings but the message “Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region” still showed up in my rewards page. I solved it with this: "Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region." in Argentina - #5 by LordMorok
But I haven’t seen a single ad since I solved the message problem. So now I’ll try and solve that.

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These are great places to start learning more about how Brave ads work, make your settings optimal for ads’ notifications, etc., @Rickac88

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