Should we be entering obvious bugs into github?

Should we be entering bugs into github directly, if they go completely ignored here? Is that something that is welcomed or acceptable?


@davida you’re free to submit your issue here or directly to GitHub. But please do search for existing issue first and provide the requisite info about your issue.

If you post your issue here and not get an answer for more than 24 hours, you can tag the mods team. This forum is made for user, because it’s “easier” than GitHub.

In addition, it’ll be better if you post your question here. GitHub is for issue report only.

This seems to be quite an epidemic on forum structures. They are much better suited to an organisation’s relaxed, internal communication than the structuring of ad-hoc, publicly submitted technical information. Requirements for users are too high and the structure is too loose - i.e. Forum-specific etiquette and social protocols, information formatting, unstructured information requests, lack of structured data entry mechanisms such as pro-formas, etc, etc, etc…

Also, two tech support locations? Do you sync the posts and answers? How do you deal with redundant posts and unanswered posts between the two forums?

And, how is this 2019 thread still open?

I do prefer structure when looking for information it reassures me that the information is accurate and current, that the answer is the correct one and not a ‘try this one’ guess.