Send to devices on Android crashes Brave

Description of the issue:

The issue is that Brave on my Android crashes when I try to send webpages using “Send to device” option.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Open Brave Browser on Android.
  2. Surf any website on the internet.
  3. Tap on the 3 dots at the bottom toolbar.
  4. Tap on the share icon.
  5. Choose “Send to devices”.

Expected result:

After following the step above, Brave will stop working and close the application (at least for me).

Expecting that Brave will operates normally where the sharing features is functioning and not crashes Brave on Android.

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Brave 1.37.110, Chromium 100.0.4896.60

Mobile Device details

Brand: Pocophone F1 (2018)
Android Version: Android 10, Build/QKQ1.19.0828.002
Storage: 128GB (49% used)
Resolution: 1080 x 2246

Additional Information:

  • The problem still occurs when Brave Shield turned on and off.
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