Search Image With Google function stopped working yesterday & now I can't switch to lens, either

Yesterday, my “search image with Google” stopped working. The results returned nothing and said “search by image is unavailable. Please try again in a few hours.” Today, it still doesn’t work. I updated brave and it still doesn’t work. I now also can’t go into chrome/flags and reactive Google lens. It’s not available any more for this new version of brave! Now, my browser is stuck reverse image search that doesn’t work and I can’t switch it to Lens! Please help.


yeah same issue here bro! hopefully someone can help


Same here. Appeared after the last update to v1.57.57. Hope they fix it soon.

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Go to brave://flags
Search for “Enable Lens features in Chrome” and enable it
It seems to work fine after I did this, I’m using latest version of Brave 1.57.57 x64 on Windows 10 Pro

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Thank you, that fixed it for me.

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Is there an option to enable Lens in Brave for mobile? I can’t find it on the flags page on Android. :confused:

On mobile the only solution I found is to switch to Bing search engine.
I know it’s not ideal, I prefer Google too, but at least it’s working until next update when we might have a fix for this issue.

Got same issues while searching for menu images. As i don’t wanna use chrome it consume a lot of ram but now brave also do same thing. Hope developers will fix this issue ASAP.

When I try to do this it just says that flag “is unavailable on your platform.” I’m on android, specifically a Note 9.

Same here since today