Screen glitching

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Description of the issue: Screen glitches when scrolling and going between tsbs. also gliches when highlighting words on screen

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Scrolling
    2.high lighting or selecting

Expected result:

**Brave Version( check About Brave):**Brave 1.43.90 chromium 105.0.5195.102

Mobile Device detailsAndroid 12; Build SP1A,210812.016

Additional Information:

Hey there.
More details →
ISSUE: Graphical glitch when creating new tabs on android
Source: Graphical glitch when creating new tabs on android

Try this →
Enable Vulkan via brave://flags#enable-vulkan

Brave GitHub Issue Report:
issue rendering/displaying tabs which causes artifacts and other issues due to VulkanStudy:Disabled

Turning that off then back on seemed to work

Oh that’s great. Keep us updated. If you find a solution from me mark it as one so others will be able to help themselves :wink::smiley:

I am having same issue but little extreme, when i open new tab the screen pixels will glitch all over, make my browser hang, performance hit is too much, the glitches will also come when to try to copy text, or move curser on the screen very annoying. Many times on homepage the tabs will enlarge too much(see screenshot), overall mainly while switching tab and scrolling or loading pages the glitches appear which will show screen pixels, and make browser slow, and annoying, i am using latest brave browser version 1.43.93 and previous versions had same issue, my phone is Android 12 snapdragon 8gen 1 so i don’t think it’s bottlenecks the browser in any way.

I tried solution to enable vulkan but still normal user wouldn’t get to know the solution, even for me it took very long time to find this post with solution, For now there seem to be no issue, but i would still say there should have been no need to enable Vulcan it should have been fixed with default settings.

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