September 27, 2021, 5:14pm
I have a problem when trying to install your application on my laptop, I tried it in different ways such as using VPN, using the internet by signal or cable, what time I use it.
I’m using windows 7, I don’t know if you can help me because it doesn’t work for me please and thank you
@RG1 ,
We are aware of this issue and working on a fix presently:
I have the same problem on my laptop with Windows 8.1.
But on another computer with Windows 10 brave installed without problems.
opened 11:46PM - 22 Sep 21 UTC
closed 07:51PM - 27 Sep 21 UTC
## Description
On an Asus PC running Windows 8.1, I cannot download Brave for … the first time because "The download failed" and keeps failing (see two screencaps).
## Steps to Reproduce
1. Double-click on the installation file (BraveBrowserSetup.exe).
2. Click "Yes" on the User Account Control pop-up.
## Actual result:
A box pops up with blue status bar with message: "Egads! Download failed. Retrying... X second(s) remaining" (screencap attached). After the status box goes away, another box pops up with "The download failed." Neither box has an error number.
## Expected result:
That Brave downloads and installs.
## Reproduces how often:
Easily reproduced over the last two days.
## Desktop Brave version:
The latest version available for 64-bit as of yesterday on brave.com.
## Device details:
Asus PC running on Windows 8.1. Used Chrome browser to download executable install file.
## Other Additional Information:
To clarify, this is the first time I'm trying to download Brave. Please see two attached screencaps.

## Miscellaneous Information:
30.3GB free space on C: drive. No other apps running. No virus scanners scanning, no lords a leaping.
In the meantime, you can download the standalone installer directly from our Github here:
September 27, 2021, 5:57pm
I’m sorry it doesn’t work for me, it keeps coming out the same
1 Like
@RG1 ,
Which installer did you download?
dont know about @RG1 but i downloaded the beta and nightly…both failed
November 26, 2021, 6:52pm
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