Polygon network transaction errors

I can’t send USDT or matic on the polygon network.

Yes I can receive tokens, but I cannot make swaps or send tokens.

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network? polygon mainnet

What operating system are you using? windows 10

Brave Version (check About Brave):1.60.125

Additional Information:

Could you describe your issue? Are you experiencing any errors when attempting?

only i wont to send from brave wallet to my metamask wallet.
And make swaps on quickswap

both are in the polygon network and of course I have MATIC to pay comissions.

But always error.

i send screenshot

Hi @boboludo , can you click on the failed transaction and send a screenshot of the failed transaction details? Also Can you provide a transaction hash of the failed transaction if available?

Can you also show use what setting you are using for the Polygon network?

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