Please add map results

Maps results would be really helpful. I know that can be tricky to implement as you’d rather not use Google, but I think DuckDuckGo’s choice to use Apple Maps is a very fair middle-ground. It’s very full-featured, well-designed, and far better for privacy than Google Maps or Bing or whatever. Really hope this can get integrated at some point!


I think it is better that they start building their own map. :world_map:
In fact, they already started, but it will be better if they were more aggressive on this path! :smile:
I mean, actually we can’t add review and photos to Brave Maps or even open it ! :weary:
You can only get to it by searching for a location and then a thumbnail of Brave Maps appear and if you succeed to click on the right millimeter of the thumbnail you get it! :roll_eyes:

Now Brave Search has implemented maps using OpenStreetMap, e.g. London.