Picture-in-Picture no longer works in YouTube

I updated to 1.74.51 today and PiP no longer activates in YouTube. Clicking the PiP button does nothing.

I was using it without issue just minutes before the update.

Restarting does not fix.

PiP still works on a few random other videos I tested on various sites, but YouTube itself is broken.

macOS 15.3 on M2 Pro Mac Mini.

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For me, PiP on macOS (15.3) works normally/as intended:

The issue you’re seeing could be cause by an extension you have installed — can you please try disabling any you see on your end and test again?

If the issue persists, I’d be interested to know if PiP works in a Guest profile window (Menu --> More tools --> Guest profile).

Disabling all extensions doesn’t solve it. Guest profile and private window don’t solve it.

I just ran the 1.74.51 update on my other Mac, also on Sequoia 15.3, and YouTube PiP no longer works on that machine as well.

same problem, cheked all like cookies, blockers, windows configuration and nothing happens yes on windows doesnt work either

Thank you both for testing and confirming.

When you go to enable PiP, instead of clicking the button on the media player itself, can you please try right-clicking twice in quick succession (tbh this functionality is a little wonky to me [in all browsers] and can sometimes take a few attempts) to reveal the “alternative” context menu which displays other player controls?

Among them, you should see Picture in Picture as one of the options — does selecting this enable PiP normally?

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It looks like one of our team members is seeing this behavior as well — however, they do note that the double right-click method mentioned above does work normally for them.

I’ve opened the following issue on Github:

It would still be very helpful to know if the double right-click method above works for you two as well.

Confirmed that double-right-click and choosing PiP from the menu does still activate PiP properly. Just the top-right media button toggle is broken.

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@DarthZiplock thank you for confirming. Have added this to the issue.

Can confirm the issue is the same for me. Media controls button (top-right) doesn’t work, but the context menu still works. Also tried in Chrome itself and it doesn’t work there for me either.

I’m having the same problem, i was on version 1.73.04, updated to the last 1.74 and the bug persisted, but i was having it on 1.73. It suddenly stopped here. Using right button on video works too.

Thanks for your support <3

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This isnt just an issue with brave
i tested with chrome incase my brave was the only one and it doesnt work in chrome too
and to clarify
double right clicking and selecting PIP works but the top right dashboard button for PIP doesnt work
maybe a bug with youtube?
and this issue only came today
it was fine yesterday

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