Description of the issue:
When matching username/password combo for a website is found, brave suggests its usage. As soon as combo is clicked, brave automatically logs you in.
Problem: I use very strong passwords which I replace regularly. Replacements are done in a personally logical way and I can easily modify my password, even when not seen. Brave blocks me from this by automatically trying to login with the old pass, thus forcing me to type from scratch.
How can this issue be reproduced?
This is a feature of Brave. I am proposing an option in setup that would allow users to choose to manually login after Brave gives them the saved password. This is how it worked in the past actually, but Product team probably decided it’s nicer to have auto login.
Expected result:
Brave Version( check About Brave
1.62.162, Chromium 121.0.6167.164
Mobile Device details
Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 5G
Additional Information: