Notification ads not showing

Even though iam enabling 10 notification per hour.iam only get one ad for a day .my tab ad and news ad working fine.i also enabled ad show up when brave not in use option but the same result.can you please suggest me a way to get notification ads.thankyou…

What Operating System and Brave version are you using? Android

Who is your verified custodian?
Are you in a supported region? Yes!india.

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This is maximum per hour, not guaranteed per hour.

So you are getting notification ads? If it shows you some and it’s adding up, then seems to be working. Though you may need to check some of your settings to make sure you aren’t blocking notifications. Like you could have Do Not Disturb set on your phone which would stop things. In addition, Brave tends not to send notifications when we view things in full screen. So if you’re playing games or watching lots of videos, you wouldn’t receive notifications at that time.

Just make sure you have notifications enabled, you don’t have anything like a “focus assist” or “do not disturb” mode blocking anything, casually use your phone to search the internet, and make sure you keep connected to the internet.

Beyond that there’s not really anything you can do. Keep in mind that campaigns vary and there are limits to how many times we can see ads from each campaign. You can always check to see what’s available in your area. You just will have to pay close attention to view limits, which OS they can appear, when ad campaigns started, etc. If view limits are low and it’s been on for a while, you won’t see them. Also if they are for other OS like Windows but not Android, you wouldn’t see them.

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