I have an Samsung A51 phone with Android 12.
I use Brave on my desktop and Android cellphone. I have not receive a Brave reward for my cellphone since April. I do get the desktop reward payments.
Additional Information:
I have an Samsung A51 phone with Android 12.
I use Brave on my desktop and Android cellphone. I have not receive a Brave reward for my cellphone since April. I do get the desktop reward payments.
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Me sucede lo mismo en la tablet, tambien con el sistema Android. A los responsables les da igual, las recompensas no se pagan a su debido tiempo, no se computan, etc. Como ves, un sinfin de problemas con la misma respuesta siempre, que se ha detectado un error y que en breve estarà resuelto. Lo que no sabemos a què se refieren con lo de “en breve” pero està claro que no hay mucha intenciòn de resolver los problemas con las recompensas.
Shortly after I cleared the Cache on my android phone, I received a message saying my rewards were on their way.
I thought I was going to get Brave Rewards after I cleared the cache on my Android phone. That has not happened yet.
Un autentico desastre. Llevamos asi bastantes meses y no hay forma que den una solucion de verdad. Incalificable.
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