I’m suggesting this feature because it’s absence is the only thing stopping me from setting Brave as the default app for opening PDFs and other file types. At present, if I do set Brave as the default app, the normal PDF icon on those files turns into the Brave icon. That’s why I’m stuck with Edge for viewing PDFs for now.
I admit that this is a trivial feature, it isn’t even a substantial one. But I’m a sucker for good UI and stuff.
If possible, please set the PDF icon to something that looks like a PDF.
Yes this is a somewhat necessary feature for the people who love good ui or just normal people and Brave Team should add this feature soon in Brave.
We’re hours away from the implementation of new icons!
opened 01:04PM - 18 Nov 20 UTC
closed 07:41AM - 18 Jun 21 UTC
QA Pass-Win64
## Description
File formats that open in Brave show as the same app icon, which… is very confusing to the user. Update the file format icon with a Brave branded graphic that differs from the app icon.
Original description:
> Would be cool to have a different icon in the file manager when it's a PDF. This would make clear when the file is an HTML or a Brave Browser Shortcut and when the file is a PDF.
## Steps to Reproduce
1. Define the Brave as the main PDF opener.
2. Download some PDF file.
3. See that file on a file manager.
## Actual result:
The file icon is the same that would be at an HTML file or a Brave Browser shortcut.

## Expected result:
All file formats that the user has set to open in Brave Browser shows as a different graphic:

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/rk2uCEox4s0q93HckXsEJ4/Illustrations-and-Device-Mockups?node-id=99%3A239
## Reproduces how often:
Easily reproduced.
## Brave version (brave://version info)
**Brave:** 1.16.76 Chromium: 86.0.4240.198 64 bits
**Revision:** d8a506935fc2273cfbac5e5b629d74917d9119c7-refs/branch-heads/4240@{#1431}
**SO:** Windows 10 OS Version 2004 (Build 19041.630)
Take a look at the Github ticket above to see the upcoming new icons.