Hey everyone! I have a question for you, I would like to know if it is possible to create new keyboard shortcuts, for example, there is no shortcut to go back to the previous page, or to duplicate the page. I would like to know if it is possible to give users the ability to create shortcuts to their liking, not only the ones you provide. Maybe it already exists and I don’t know where or how to do it, but for that very reason, I decided to come to you.
I only have these ideas and I would like to have many keyboard shortcuts to facilitate my navigation.
Thank you very much and blessings to all ;).
@Estebicho you have options in the browser. Go to Settings → System → Shortcuts/ From there you can see all existing shortcuts, add your own, or remove existing.
Some, like Stop in the screenshot below don’t have any existing shortcuts, but you can add your own.
And as you can see on the top, you can always search for what things you can set shortcuts for. Such as:
NOTE: Want to correct you
Yeah there is. On Windows for example: