My youtube and Twitter account is not verified and it's been more than 4 days

I have connect my uphold account which is verified and added the YouTube and Twitter channel but still after 4 days my both Twitter and YouTube channel is not yet verified plz have a look and help me



Both your accounts are verified on my end. Can you try refreshing the status. Also have you tried desktop?

Yes in desktop it is verified but in mobile it so not
I have done refreshing the site but still both are showing not verified in android phone…

From the moment you finish the verification process, your channel is verified, you can go to and search for your channels. Brave requires ±72 hours (on desktop) and up to 1 week (on mobile) to update its local publishers list before the channel/site can appear verified.
You will be still able to receive tips/contributions from other users right now. Your channels should appear verified for you shortly.

If you channel is not appearing verified after 1 week, please let us know.

Also please note that self-tipping is highly likely to get your account flagged by our fraud detection and you should not tip your own channels.

What if my family and friends tip to me then also it will lead to ban?

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