@289wk @Chocoholic I believe most of these issues may be due to some sort of routing or connectivity issue. I’ve managed to recover my bat and verify my wallet but it’s been a very strange process with a lot of luck involved.
The balance wasn’t loading as per usual so I just left it there for a long while. About 10 minutes later, the balance loaded and it showed the correct amount of bat. At this point, I finished the wallet creation process and verified with Gemini. However, my balance immediately went to zero and then the balance stopped loading again. A few days went by and the browser was again not loading the balance, again showing unverified, and Gemini showed a zero balance. At this point I remembered a post I came across a long time ago about how some US-based folks had issues and needed to make a vpn connection to europe to make things work. I tried this and immediately Brave showed the correct balance, a verified wallet and Gemini showed the correct balance as well.
There were likely many issues intersecting to create this constellation of symptoms but it appears to be mostly resolved. I even received the past few months of bat that I had not been able to collect. Very strange. If past experience is any indicator, things may fall out of sync again until I connect with a vpn but we’ll see.
Thanks for all of your help, folks.