Moveable clock in new tab

Is it possible to be able to move the clock wherever you want in the new tab page? since the clock is oriented on the right side of my screen where my monitor is broken. You might say that i can still see most of the clock but the damage on my screen worsens everyday so one day i might not be able to see the clock

Unfortunately, no. Brave has strict limitations on what can be modified on the New Tab Page (Dashboard) because of Sponsored Images. They need to ensure that space is available for the background ads to appear. Even if you have Sponsored Images disabled, the same limitations apply to prevent incentivizing users to turn them off.

That said, I’ll tag @Mattches to see if it’s possible to bring this idea up internally and look into the possibility of resizing or moving content within the restricted area. Maybe even allowing for features like a vertical clock or other small cosmetic changes. I can see how placing Brave News articles in the upper right or having a clock in the lower center could be a nice touch without interfering with Sponsored Images.

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@Saoiray’s response is accurate here. Opening it as a feature request here is a good first step. I know we have plans to continue making the NTP more customizable in the future, although I cannot speak to this specific feature at this time.


It whould be SO FREAKING GREAT being able to adjust the position of the different Widgets on the NewTab Dashboard page.
Having a wide screen with highRes clutters the widgets all in the far out edges and makes the Dashboard Widgets more annoying then helpful for me -.-’