Move bookmarks to a different tablet

Is it possible to move/transfer bookmarks to another tablet without a desktop? How?

You can enable Brave sync.

Am I missing something? I don’t have a desktop, so I don’t have anything to Sync to. On the very, very rare times that I must use a desktop I use a public one.

What is your source for bookmarks then?

I have a Samsung Tablet that I’ve installed the Brave browser, at someone’s suggestion. I have a Pixel 7Pro of FI where I’ve installed the Brave browser. I want to move the Bookmarks on the tablet to the phone.

Same procedure. Well, I will try to tell you all steps as I remember.
Go to settings on the tablet → Brave Sync → Start a new chain → Add device → Add a mobile device → The Tablet will show a QR → Go to your Pixel device → Settings → Sync → Scan or enter sync code → Allow access to camera → Scan the QR on your tablet → they will start syncing now.

Do check the data preferences for syncing in the same settings → generally you can just have it sync everything.

Thanks, I’ll try that when I return later this morning.

OK, thank you. It worked easy-peasy.

I guess I forgot. If I rebuild this Samsung Tablet will the bookmarks still be on the phone? Or do I just see the bookmarks from the phone? Thx again .

I guess you should see them on the phone since they are on sync chain. @Aman_M @rodrige could you confirm? Thanks.

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Yes, the bookmarks are in the phone. Then when I go to the tablet and remove the sync, the bookmarks are still on the phone, which is what I want. I just would like the bookmarks to be in two places. Thanks again.


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