More Tab Groups Colors!

Hi there! I’ve been using Brave for a while and, as an artist, the Vertical Tabs + Tab Groups option is an awesome combo for having many sites I need to access and switch between constantly (for looking up references, posting, chatting, etc).

But when you have as many tab groups at a time as I do (sometimes up to 30…), the regular color limit doesn’t cut it, and the tabs begin to blend together, even if I try to group many on a single color as a “category”.

This is already the perfect browser, but could we please have an option to enter custom colors for each folder? (Similar to how the color picker / selector works for Server Folders on Discord, with a color box and a hex code input).

No other browser at the moment offers this feature. Both Chrome and Edge also have the same amount of colors for Tab Groups as Brave.

And / or alternatively, the option to create Tab Groups inside other Tab Groups would be nice.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: