So I have been Tipped several times over the last Month all Totaling to around 60 Bat…
None of these have been credited to my account. Does anyone know why this could be happening?
@D1gD33per okay. could you send a screen shot of your dashboard.
Hello, I have received my Tips from 2 months Ago, But any Tips that I receive now do not show up on my account. I got suspended last months Payout but ChrisCat put me on the whitelist. Maybe this is why my tips are not showing up?
okay. I see. you don’t really use the referral, just the tipping function. I think I should get @chriscat and @steeven into this conversation
Okay, I’m not too worried about the missing tips. Can you please just fix it so I can be tipped. My user is D1gD33per
@steeven Do you know why my account won’t Receive any tips for the last two months?
Hi @D1gD33per,
Thanks for your patience. Can you PM me the email associated with your account?
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