Hi there my Brave ones. Im having an issue (not sure) with May rewards appearing as earned (I clicked Claim the 8th June) but none at my unverified Brave wallet. Can you help me? I dont know if still processing payments.
Im using Brave v1.39.122 Chromium: 102.0.5005.115 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
Is your browser wallet currently verified? (yes/no)
No, is not. I tried linking to Gemini.
Have you been able to successfully receive payments in the past?
This is supposed first.
Are you using a VPN? (yes/no)
Only for very few tasks. I navigate regularly NO VPN.
Are you in a supported region (see here for list of supported regions)?
Yes, the sunny Spain.
Its sad to read so much anger with this. And its not good call devs scammers when you’re not investing on them. And Brave is more than Rewards. A little respect.
Still nothing, people. Earned and claimed BAT sits there at Rewards screen and zero amount in Brave Wallet. Can somebody help? Because someone asking if possible to earn with browser lmao closed already got answered lol
@s0dach1 Sorry, you haven’t had a community member (like me) or support staff response until now. Some topics just slip by. I am glad you kept posting updates though. That is a good way to keep your topic active and hopefully bring it to someone’s attention.
I am not following what is happening. Can you please clarify? My understanding and where I am confused so far.
Your Rewards are unverified.
You earned Rewards for May.
You received a claim button after June payout processing.
I am unsure of the sequence (and results) of below events. Please explain.
You clicked the claim button but your Rewards were not deposited into your Rewards balance? Or were your Rewards deposited, then you tried to connect to Gemini and your Rewards balance zeroed out? Or did your Rewards just roll back into June earnings?
Did you get any error messages when you tried to connect with Gemini? If so, what was the message? Can you provide a screenshot?
I do not understand. You checked with Brave or Gemini support? What do you mean “way past payment”?
I do not think your Rewards are lost. You should be able to retrieve them if they are in limbo somewhere. Just have to figure out what is happening.
If your Brave Release version is not current (currently 1.40.105), please update.
Provide your OS version found at brave://version
Do you have a June 2022 statement at brave://rewards?
Sorry Choco, my last post in comunity forum must had you confused, probably expressed myself bad.
I indeed received support from Brave recently in which is a reasonably fast response given the number of demands to attend.
I already attached some pictures and with help of the command to see rewards>promos tab we checked:
The wallet (unverified) was created in 15th May, the payments processed before that. Thats what I meant way too far.
As you said, nothing is lost (I thought that I expressed correctly that I didn’t thought that and probably was some mistake on my side) In promo tabs the balance seems correct same as in Brave main page, plus status claimed (I clicked claim button on 9th JUNE, ah I wrote incorrectly the claim date). So
The BAT amount should be processed next payment, counting off 8th July.
I’m attaching the conversation with Brave support and internals screenshot. Feel free to answer when you can, as I said to your partner Im very happy with the rest Brave features and Rewards is secondary to me. And I reject harrasing people the way I’ve seen in the forum.
Have a nice weekend and thanks for reaching out.
@s0dach1 If you are satisfied with the information from Brave support, then all is good.
I still am confused though. Sorry. lol Just want to confirm that you do have the 5 BAT in your unverified Rewards balance. According to your screenshot, you claimed and received 5 BAT on June 9, 2022. This 5 BAT should be displayed in you Rewards balance. It does not matter that your Rewards wallet was created on May 18th. A payment was processed on June 9 for 5 BAT. If this is not reflected in your Rewards balance, you should probably get back in touch with support and ask them why you do not have the 5 BAT showing.
Hope it is just me not having all the information at my fingertips! Take care.
Exactly, I can see those 5 BAT earned in my Rewards screen. Im very sorry if my grammar or format gave you the headaches. My dear teacher Don Ramón used to say “Kid, you write like a soldier… In a trench. At war. Under bombing.”
Good destiny, Chocoholic