Lost Brave Rewards after Reinstall of Brave

I lost about 185 BAT after I reinstalled Brave. Brave wasn’t behaving properly so I needed to reinstall. I used my Restore Key but it says 0 BAT.

Can I get them refunded?


Hi @ellen - what OS and Brave version are you using?

Thank you for reporting!

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OS - Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Verson - Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363
[Version 1.9.76 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 (Official Build) (64-bit)]

I’m having a similar issue as well over here.

OS is Windows 10 Pro, Version 1903, OS build 18362.836

Brave version is V1.9.76.

I lost 105 BAT after resetting my PC, redownloaded Brave, and put in my recovery code.

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Is possible to change windows10 ;beacuse you are not the first person to have problem with windows10?

It’s possible, but I would prefer to not change my operating system for the sake of Brave Rewards if that’s the case.


Ok but also try to check your device settings as well. I remember having a problem of making screenshoot just because of the settings and also a problem of taking a photo ,simply because of settings.

I don’t know what to be looking for in device settings that could cause this. I’m familiar with IT and Windows, and I can’t imagine any setting in particular that Windows 10 has can fix this kind of issue.

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I undersrtand , I said that because when i was verifying my Uphold;it failed twice,until i changed the distance of my camera,then it became successful. But your case might be bit defferent. Let’s hope for the best!

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