" Leo is available today for all users of the Brave browser desktop Nightly channel. Nightly desktop users can access Leo via the button in Brave Sidebar."
Got the latest Nightly. Was Leo button removed?
well, obviously if not: brave://flags/#brave-ai-chat
if not you have click on the +
button in the sidebar and it should be there.
Stable Version 1.59.117:
no leo icon on sidebar
Leo isn’t on Stable.
Lion or Lionx or Lionex(Lion apex) or Brelion would be more suited good name for brave AI matching to its iconic design of logo… Bing is not a human name, same for bard, but not sure why brave went with simpler human name for an AI… maybe they should have made an name discussion thread for more good name choice with criteria the name should not match an human name…
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