I saw Brave is rolling out Solana (non-custodial) as a form of payment for Brave Rewards for some people. Is Brave planning to do the same for Brave Creators? I cannot verify Uphold or Gemini
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Umm, it’s already been available for Creators for a while now. It was announced in January and I even made a topic on it at PSA: Current and upcoming changes to Rewards and Creators
Official announcement was https://brave.com/blog/on-chain-contributions/
This is only for contributions, that people make to creators. I already connected my Web3 wallet. But I still have a balance of BAT that is waiting for me to connect to Uphold or Gemini to be paid out.
Ah, vBAT is what you’re referencing. Overall they did away with that. But not quite sure how that works in your situation. Let me tag in @chriscat and @Evan123 to see if either can advise.
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