Iphone touch screen not working in Brave

Description of the issue:
My Iphone XR version 14.4 has suddenly stopped responding to touch when i try to open a website in the brave browser. It appears the top selections won’t open because they are ads? However no indication exists to indicate that is the problem.

Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.

  1. seach in browser
  2. touch screen to make top selection
  3. touch multiple times
  4. scroll down (even to next page) to get a link opened. For example trying to open a title of a book takes me to amazon link but it won’t open.

Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
cannot open and have to scroll far down on a page to get it to open.
It’s faster to change browser

Expected result:
I expect to be able to open any link

Reproduces how often:
Always but it has just begun in the last couple of weeks and happens with the top results

Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave page in the main menu):
IOS 14.4 Brave 1.48.1

Additional Information:
I DO NOT want to be forced to update my phone. I don’t like some of the programming on newer versions and think I should be able to use my phone as it is.

This is really far outdated. Current version of Brave is 1.61.1 on iPhone

And you know that this also is greatly outdated. Current ios is 17.2.1

Nobody going to force you, but can’t really troubleshoot or help you when you refuse. You’re working on OS and app versions that are no longer supported.

You say nobody is going to force me to update my phone and brave browser, however the point I was trying to make is the old browser worked perfectly fine and I did not make any changes so why would it stop working?

Safari still works fine.
Perhaps Brave should consider allowing old browsers to work for those people who do not want an update.


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