I haven't received payment of my creator account

@steeven I haven’t yet recieved the payout of my creators account is it still processing?
And have one more question how much website can I link to to my creators account?

Hi @Rudra - have you still not received?

No @steeven I am attaching screenshot with this message kindly visit it.

I was having 61.5 BAT on my account which should have been paid on February.
And have one more question that I have more then 4 devices verified and I got the payment of 4 devices and is there any way to get payment of my rest devices. If there is any possibility then kindly guide me.

I still do not receive my creator payment.

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me too sir… i dont receive payout for my creator account ?

Uploading: Screenshot of Recompensas valientes _ Creadores.jpg…

a mi tampoco me han pagado (desde diciembre)

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I also did not receive my payment was scheduled for February 8

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I still haven’t received my creator payment in my uphold, and I continue to wait for it.

yesterday from what I see there was a batch of payments, but today they have not continued paying, or did someone receive their payment today?

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Same with me

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Still nothing around here, waiting for payment yet.

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@steeven can you help us?
My creator account I’d is [email protected]

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Mi correo vinculado es [email protected]
Todavía no recibo mi pago en 3 meses

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Thanks for reporting! We have a known issue that the team is currently looking into.

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Is there a chance that publishers will receive payments in the coming days? I have not received my payment either. I sent you my e-mail in DM.

Yes please, do we still have a chance to receive our payment?

thanks, They have asked me for my email, these are my emails
[email protected]
[email protected]

sorry for the inconvenience i hope this is resolved

My emails
[email protected]
[email protected]

I have not received payment for the e-mail registered to this account.

yo tampoco no se que mas hacer siento que perdere todo

The payment is done or still on going? I received half only 85.50 out of 142.50 BAT in uphold. Will it continue to pay for the balance or carry to the next month?