Hey !
Sorry for bothering you, you may already had this kind of Topic, but I haven’t been paid by Brave ADs for the past 10 months or something like that.
I’ve been using Brave for a long time now, but I can’t even remember the last time I got paid.
I think I got paid like the first 2-3 months I started using Brave, but since then, nothing happened.
I had an issue in the past with the Brave Rewards server not responding, but it got fixed.
Every time I approach the 5th of the month, the “next payment date” is moved forward by one month, so I never really got a chance to get paid.
But once, it was like the last September if I remember well, I managed to reach the “next payment date” day, but unfortunately I did not receive anything.
I am currently using [Version 1.15.72 Chromium: 86.0.4240.75 (Build official) (64 bits)].
I’m using Brave from France.
I will take any advice if anyone can help me. Thank you.
I also am waiting for my rewards to be transferred with the “The payout report is currently generating. Please check back later.” message.
I never could get verified with uphold, they seem to have a lot of issues. BUT when Gemini became an option I added them as a wallet. Do I have to “unstick” myself with uphold to get my creator earned BATs to transfer to Gemini?
I am also experiencing the same problem. I am getting ads and earning BAT but the last two months (August and September) I did not receive any payments. I am using Uphold wallet and using Brave version 1.15.72 on a Mac form UK.