I don't get 10 adpers every hour. -- Não recebo 10 propagandas a cada hora

I don’t get 10 adpers every hour. unfortunately I just get the same propaganda from a few losers. When will I receive various brave advertisements?

Não recebo 10 propagandas a cada hora. infelizmente apenas recebo apenas a mesma propaganda de uns perdedores. Quando irei receber propagandas variadas do BRAVE?

You’re never guaranteed 10 per hour. To quote from the Help guides.

This setting determines the maximum number of ads the browser can show you each hour. In the image above, for example, the number is set to 5 . Please note that this does not mean that you will see 5 ads every hour as the number being set is a ceiling, not a floor. Meaning that with the setting configured above, you may see anywhere between 0 and 5 ads every hour.

In their image, it said 5. But you can pretend it says 10. Same thing. https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360055013431-Why-don-t-I-see-any-Brave-Ads-after-enabling-them-

Name calling is never good or allowed on here. https://community.brave.com/faq

Be Respectful

You may wish to respond to something by disagreeing with it. That’s fine. But, remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid:

  • Name-calling.
  • Ad hominem attacks.
  • Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content.
  • Knee-jerk contradiction.

The above response of mine aside, please provide some information so we can try to assist you.

  1. What operating system are you using? (yes, you marked Windows, but which one?)
  2. What version of Brave are you using?
  3. Are you seeing ads at all? If so, are you getting both notifications and New Tab or which are you seeing?
  4. Do you use a VPN?
  5. Have you been receiving payments?
  6. What region are you in?

Here at BRAVE is appearing the option of 10 advertisements per hour. Is that normal?

Aqui no BRAVE está aparecendo a opção de 10 propagandas por hora. Isso é normal?

This version of the image.

Sim, isto é normal. A questão é que é a quantidade máxima. Se não há muita gente a pagar para anunciar na sua área ou para o seu tipo de aparelho, esses anúncios podem ser muito menos. Você pode verificar quantos anunciantes estão na sua área, verificando https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/

As campanhas podem ser múltiplos anúncios, mas todos eles se combinam sob a campanha, então isso é o que importa. Também quando lá você verá “Ver Limites”. Isto parecerá 10 / - - / - / 10. Esta é a quantidade de vezes que você pode ver anúncios dessa campanha Diariamente/Semanalmente/Mensalmente/Total. Então no número que eu compartilhei, significa que eu posso ver até 10 vezes por dia, mas uma vez que eu vejo 10 vezes, eu não posso ver mais anúncios daquela campanha.

Yes, this is normal. The thing is, that’s the maximum amount. If there are not a lot of people paying to advertise in your area or for your type of device, those ads can be much less. You can check how many advertisers are in your area by checking https://sampson.codes/brave/ads/my_region/

Campaigns can be multiple ads, but they all combine under the campaign, so that’s what matters. Also when there you’ll see View Limits . This will look like 10 / — / — / 10. This is amount of times you can see ads from that campaign Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Total. So in the number I shared, it means I can see it up to 10 times a day but once I see it 10 times, I can see no more ads from that campaign.

Btw, você entende quando eu digo que o máximo por hora é o máximo, sim? Significa que não pode exceder, mas o número pode ser sempre menor.

Btw, you understand when I say Maximum per hour is maximum, yes? It means it can’t exceed it but the number can always be lower.

Was there a stipulated minimum?

Why doesn’t search BRAVE search duckduckgo? Why doesn’t search BRAVE search duckduckgo?


Just change your default search to DuckDuckGo if you’d like. Brave Search is its own search thing and when it says "find elsewhere’ it’s just a random list of other places you can search.

Nope, they tell us we can see as little as 0 and as much as we set for our maximum. They want to show as many ads as they can, but it will be dependent on how many places are paying for users to see ads and if you match their criteria.

By criteria I mean some pay for Windows only or maybe others for Android only, etc. They also can pay for only certain states/provinces, etc within a region. Lots of little things that influence ads.

Doesn’t the Brave researcher use safe researchers like DUCKDUCKGO and other search engines that are safer than GOOGLE and all those used in image search? I don’t understand Brave’s choice by google.

Brave has their own search engine they have created. They don’t use Google or any of those. They permit users to select other searches if it is their desire, but that’s two different things. Brave Search right now is brand new, it started last year and is still in Beta. There’s a lot of work to be done.

And obviously since their database is still small compared to those who have been around a very long time, they have to defer to others on some things. But it’s all up to us what we use. Brave does do all it can to keep our information safe though, such as helping to block cookies and prevent websites from fingerprinting & tracking us.

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